Discover Our Education Side
Vital Consulting is aligned with Vital College as well as Enpower Training, two separate entities which specialise in a range of Academic and Vocational courses and qualifications. They have extensive experience in learnerships and learnership management. Their experience and proven track record will prove invaluable to your B-BBEE strategy.
What is notable is that the Colleges have particular experience in serving the training needs of both the corporate world as well as the individual hungry for advancement. The advancement of people with disabilities is another forte which can boast.
All programmes hold formal accreditation with one or more of the following:
the South African Qualifications Assurance (SAQA)
the relevant Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETA)
the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations ( QCTO)
Department of Labour and Employment
Other professional bodies as required by legislation.
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Any training/skills development enquires can be directed to